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California Mesothelioma Treatment

Mesothelioma is a rare but aggressive cancer caused by asbestos exposure. Due to California’s history of asbestos use, there is a high incidence of mesothelioma cases in the state. The good news is there are several mesothelioma treatment centers in California where patients can access the latest treatments to help improve their prognosis.

Fact-Checked and Updated by: Jenna Tozzi, RN

Last updated:

Mesothelioma Treatment Centers in California

Mesothelioma cancer centers in California offer a multidisciplinary approach to treatment, combining the expertise of various medical professionals to provide patients with the best possible care.

Mesothelioma Specialist
  • Home to the Center for Novel Therapeutics
  • Only National Cancer Institute-Designated Comprehensive Cancer Center in the greater San Diego area
Mesothelioma Specialist
  • Offers clinical trials at various facilities across Southern California
  • Ranked No. 5 in the country for cancer treatment by U.S. News & World Report
UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center

San Francisco

Mesothelioma Specialist
  • Offers free nutrition counseling and support groups for mesothelioma patients
  • Named one of the nation’s top 50 cancer centers by U.S. News & World Report
Mesothelioma Specialist
  • Home to one of the top five doctors for mesothelioma and thoracic surgery
  • 75% of veterans say they usually or always get an appointment when they need it

California Mesothelioma Doctors

Because mesothelioma can spread so quickly, patients need to get care from highly trained doctors with extensive experience diagnosing, researching, and treating it.

Fortunately, there are several mesothelioma doctors in California who have dedicated their careers to helping patients live longer, fuller lives.

Some top California mesothelioma specialists are highlighted below.

Dr. David Jablons

Dr. David Jablons

San Francisco

Leads the Thoracic Oncology Program at the UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center

Surgical oncologist at Moores Cancer Center who specializes in heated chemotherapy for abdominal tumors

Thoracic Surgeon at UCLA Medical Center and founding Chief of the Division of Thoracic Surgery at West Los Angeles VA Medical Center

Use our Free Doctor Match service to get personalized recommendations for specialists in your area.

Mesothelioma doctor talking with an older couple
Free Mesothelioma Doctor Match

We'll help you connect with a local mesothelioma specialist for personalized treatment.

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Mesothelioma Treatment in California

Mesothelioma is a devastating diagnosis for both patients and their loved ones. Fortunately, California is home to some of the top cancer centers in the country, providing patients access to both standard and emerging mesothelioma treatments.

Mesothelioma treatment options available in California include:

  • Surgery: Depending on their type and stage of mesothelioma, patients may be able to undergo surgery to remove tumors and increase their life expectancy.
  • Chemotherapy: Cancer-fighting chemotherapy drugs can be used as a primary treatment for mesothelioma or in combination with surgery or radiation therapy.
  • Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy drugs are the newest type of mesothelioma treatment and use the body’s immune system recognize and attack cancer cells.
  • Radiation therapy: High-energy radiation can be used to kill cancer cells. It can be combined with chemotherapy or provided as a standalone treatment.
  • Clinical trials: Several cancer centers and clinics in California offer clinical trials to help patients access new treatments or new combinations of treatments for mesothelioma.

We’ve compiled a list of 14 questions to ask that can help you make informed decisions about your treatment. Download our Free Checklist now so you’ll have it ready for your first doctor’s visit.

14 Questions to Ask Your Doctor packet
Free Download: 14 Questions to Ask Your Doctor
  • Preparing for treatment
  • Finding clinical trials
  • Getting a second opinion

Get Your Free Download

Mesothelioma Patient Care Teams in California

Patient care teams include medical professionals from various disciplines who work together to treat mesothelioma patients.

California patient care teams for mesothelioma treatment include:

  • Medical oncologists
  • Nurses
  • Radiation oncologists
  • Social workers
  • Pathologists
  • Patient advocates
  • Pulmonologists
  • Thoracic surgeons

Care teams at California mesothelioma centers also offer helpful services like palliative (symptom-relieving) treatment, support groups, and educational programs to help patients and families navigate a cancer diagnosis.

Find a doctor to help create your mesothelioma treatment plan — use our Free Doctor Match to connect with top specialists and surgeons in your area.

Mesothelioma doctor talking with an older couple
Free Mesothelioma Doctor Match

We'll help you connect with a local mesothelioma specialist for personalized treatment.

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California Mesothelioma Research and Clinical Trials

California is home to several research institutions that study malignant mesothelioma and other cancers.

Leading cancer research centers in California include:

  • City of Hope National Medical Center
  • Salk Institute Cancer Center
  • Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute
  • Stanford Cancer Institute
  • UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center
  • UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center

These research centers, some of which are National Cancer Institute-designated facilities, are at the forefront of mesothelioma research and treatment.

They offer personalized cancer care and conduct clinical trials for mesothelioma and other cancers.

Our Patient Advocates can help you find mesothelioma clinical trials at top California cancer centers. Call (866) 608-8933 right now to get started.

Scope of Asbestos-Related Diseases in California

Asbestos-related diseases like mesothelioma and lung cancer are a significant public health issue in the state of California.

Did You Know?

According to the latest available data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 27,000 Californians died from asbestos-related diseases between 1999 and 2017.

Many of these cases are a result of exposure to asbestos fibers in the workplace, particularly in industries such as construction, shipyards, and manufacturing.

In fact, asbestos exposure is the only known cause of mesothelioma. However, by seeking mesothelioma treatment at top cancer centers within the state, patients fighting this cancer can get the help they need to live longer and feel better.

Cost of Mesothelioma Treatment in California

The cost of mesothelioma treatment in California varies based on several factors, including the type of treatment, the patient’s insurance coverage, and the stage of the disease.

However, the total cost of treating mesothelioma can easily exceed $400,000, according to registered nurse Amy Fair. This total cost includes expenses such as diagnostic tests, surgeries, follow-up care, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, medication, and more. The average monthly cost of chemotherapy alone is $10,000.

Fortunately, patients in California who developed mesothelioma as a result of toxic asbestos exposure may be able to get financial assistance to help pay for treatment.

Financial Assistance for California Mesothelioma Patients

California cancer centers can connect patients with financial aid options to help cover the costs of mesothelioma treatment.

Mesothelioma Hope can also help patients in California can pursue additional forms of financial assistance.

Learn more about the various ways to seek compensation for your or a loved one’s asbestos-related illness.

Mesothelioma Lawsuits

Mesothelioma patients in California may be able to file a lawsuit against the companies responsible for their asbestos exposure.

A successful mesothelioma lawsuit can award compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages

Asbestos Trust Fund Claims

Mesothelioma patients in California may be eligible to file claims with asbestos trust funds to receive compensation for their illness.

These trusts were established by bankrupt asbestos companies to compensate victims of asbestos exposure.

We can help you or a loved one can access some of the $30 billion already set aside in asbestos trust funds — see if you qualify.

a lawyer shares documents with a client
Access Asbestos
Trust Funds
  • More than $30 billion available
  • $300K-$400K average compensation
  • Get money in 90 days or less

Check If You Qualify

VA Benefits Claims

Veterans with mesothelioma in California can seek veterans benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to cover their treatment costs.

VA benefits may include medical care, disability compensation totaling nearly $4,000 a month, and other forms of assistance.

Learn more about benefits available to California veterans with mesothelioma in our Free Veterans Compensation Guide.

Mesothelioma Cancer Support Resources in California

There are many resources available for mesothelioma patients and their families in California, including support groups and financial assistance programs.

The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation provides a list of support groups and treatment centers in California for mesothelioma patients and their families.

The American Cancer Society also offers resources such as transportation assistance, lodging programs, and support groups for cancer patients in California.

In addition, organizations like the Cancer Legal Resource Center provide free legal services to cancer patients and their families who are facing financial difficulties due to their illness.

Get Help Finding California Mesothelioma Treatment

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, getting specialized treatment is crucial to improve your prognosis.

Our Patient Advocates are standing by to connect you with a California mesothelioma doctor who can provide the right treatment for your case.

Contact us today at (866) 608-8933 to get started on your treatment journey.


Mesothelioma Hope has no affiliation with and is not endorsed or sponsored by Dr. Robert Cameron. Any contact information listed is for informational purposes only. You have the right to contact Dr. Robert Cameron directly.

Jenna TozziWritten by:

Director of Patient Advocacy

Jenna Tozzi, RN, is the Director of Patient Advocacy at Mesothelioma Hope. With more than 15 years of experience as an adult and pediatric oncology nurse navigator, Jenna provides exceptional guidance and support to mesothelioma patients and their loved ones. Jenna has been featured in Oncology Nursing News and is a member of the Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators & the American Nurses Association.

Our Promise to You
Our Promise to You
  1. American Cancer Society. (2023). Malignant Mesothelioma. Retrieved May 28, 2024, from
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. (2018). Underlying cause of death 1999-2017 on CDC WONDER online database. Retrieved May 28, 2024, from
  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023). United States and Puerto Rico Cancer Statistics, 1999-2018 Incidence Archive Request. Retrieved May 28, 2024, from;jsessionid=DA3FC143B54F55C2AAA615EBC193?stage=results&action=sort&direction=MEASURE_DESCEND&measure=D172.M1
  4. City of Hope. (2023). Mesothelioma Program. Retrieved May 28, 2024, from
  5. Moores Cancer Center. (2023). About the Moores Cancer Center. Retrieved May 28, 2024, from
  6. National Cancer Institute (2019, June 24). NCI-Designated Cancer Centers. Retrieved May 28, 2024, from
  7. Stanford Health Care. (n.d.). Pemetrexed Disodium/Observation in Treating Patients W/ Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma w/Out Progressive Disease After 1st Line Chemotherapy. Retrieved May 28, 2024, from
  8. UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. (2023). Active Clinical Trials. Retrieved May 28, 2024, from
  9. UCLA Health. (2023). Mesothelioma Program. Retrieved May 28, 2024, from
  10. UCSF Health. (2023). Patient & Family Support Services. Retrieved May 28, 2024, from
  11. UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center. (2018). “Treatment of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline. Retrieved May 28, 2024, from
  12. U.S. News & World Report. (2023). UCLA Medical Center. Retrieved May 28, 2024, from
  13. U.S. News & World Report (2023). UCSF Health-UCSF Medical Center. Retrieved May 28, 2024, from
  14. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System. (2023, April 5). Mesothelioma: We have one of the best doctors to treat it. Retrieved May 28, 2024, from
  15. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System. (2022, June 8). West Los Angeles VA Medical Center. Retrieved May 28, 2024, from
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How We Can Help

Mesothelioma Hope is passionate about helping patients and families affected by this aggressive cancer. A mesothelioma diagnosis can be scary and isolating, but we’re here for you at every step. Hope is only a phone call away.

(866) 608-8933
Medical Guidance
  • Get a second opinion
  • Find a doctor or cancer center
  • Access clinical trials
  • Improve your quality of life
Financial Assistance
  • Access $30 billion in trust funds
  • File a mesothelioma claim
  • Increase your VA benefits
  • Apply for travel grants
Supportive Care
  • Find a support group or peer mentor
  • Get help with daily tasks
  • Explore respite care options
  • Navigate life post-treatment