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Mesothelioma Law Firm

Mesothelioma law firms file legal claims on behalf of victims of asbestos exposure. These firms are made up of knowledgeable attorneys who help patients and their families pursue financial compensation through settlements, jury verdicts, and asbestos trust fund payouts. Learn how Mesothelioma Hope can help you find top law firms and determine who will be the best fit for your case.

Legally reviewed by: Melissa Crowe Schopfer

Last updated:

About Mesothelioma Law Firms

A lawyer at a mesothelioma law firm completes paperwork at his desk
A mesothelioma law firm can make a complex legal process much easier.

Mesothelioma law firms help people fight back against the manufacturers of asbestos-containing products.

These companies knew that asbestos could cause millions of workers and their families to develop mesothelioma and other serious diseases. Still, they hid the truth for decades in order to make a profit.

Mesothelioma law firms work to bring these manufacturers to justice and get compensation for the people who were hurt by their careless actions. Money received from legal action can help pay for medical treatments, living expenses, and support for family members.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it’s important to contact a law firm as soon as possible. Certain laws limit your time to take legal action, and mesothelioma law firms may be able to file a claim on your behalf before time runs out.

Asbestos and mesothelioma cases can be very complex, but an experienced mesothelioma law firm has the resources to pursue the highest amount of compensation.

How Do I Find a Top Law Firm?

Finding the best legal representation can feel overwhelming if you’ve never worked with a lawyer before. Mesothelioma Hope is here to help take the guesswork out of choosing a top law firm for your case.

We only partner with highly experienced, ethical law firms that are focused on the well-being of mesothelioma patients and bringing asbestos product manufacturers to justice.

Click below to get a Free Legal Consultation to learn your options, which may include trust fund payouts or other financial support in addition to a mesothelioma lawsuit. We can help you no matter where you are in your search for the right mesothelioma law firm.

Get a Free Mesothelioma Case Review
  • $1M to $1.4M average payout
  • No stress or upfront fees
  • Get money within 90 days

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Shara Fisher
Shara Fisher Senior Paralegal
17+ years providing legal help to mesothelioma victims

What Are the Best Mesothelioma Law Firms?

The best law firm for mesothelioma is the one that will make you feel heard and supported — and give you the best chance at securing compensation for your family.

More specifically, top asbestos law firms will:

  • Have extensive knowledge of the asbestos industry
  • Share their experience handling mesothelioma lawsuits
  • Treat you with compassion and respect every step of the way
  • Review your case for free
  • Only get paid if they secure compensation for you

Mesothelioma Hope works closely with Simmons Hanly Conroy, a national mesothelioma law firm with 25 years of experience helping patients and their families — and a deeply personal commitment to righting the wrongs caused by asbestos product manufacturers.

Learn more about this top asbestos firm below and set up a free legal consultation to see if they’re the right fit for you and your family.

Featured Asbestos Law Firm: Simmons Hanly Conroy

A client meets with an attorney from a mesothelioma law firm
Simmons Hanly Conroy is one of the most experienced mesothelioma law firms.

Mesothelioma Hope is proud to partner with Simmons Hanly Conroy to help give patients and their families a voice in the American legal system.

Founded in 1999 by attorney John Simmons, a U.S. military veteran, Simmons Hanly Conroy began as a modest team of seven, dedicated to helping those impacted by mesothelioma cancer.

Today, as one of the country’s best mesothelioma law firms, it has achieved:

  • Landmark verdicts including a record-setting $250 million for a U.S. Steel worker and a pioneering $34 million in Madison County, Illinois.
  • Impressive recoveries totaling over $9 billion, highlighting the firm’s notable successes like $60 million for a New York laborer and $34 million for a Missouri roofer.
  • Status as a truly national mesothelioma law firm with clients nationwide and offices in five key locations: Alton, Illinois; New York, New York; San Francisco, California; El Segundo, California; and St. Louis, Missouri.
  • A strong history of giving back, including over $21 million donated to cancer research, $10.2 million invested in a cancer institute at Southern Illinois University, and participation in community initiatives like the Miles for Meso race, which has raised nearly $1 million since 2009.

“The firm makes you feel like you’re somebody, and like you do matter. They have become good friends — even family.”

Bob Guinn, mesothelioma patient and Simmons Hanly Conroy client

Each Simmons Hanly Conroy trial team handles only a few cases at a time, allowing the firm to get to know you personally and ensure your case gets the dedicated attention it deserves.

John Simmons Image Meet the founder of the firm

John Simmons Simmons Hanly Conroy, Firm Founder

John, a U.S. Army veteran, was inspired to establish his firm after witnessing firsthand the devastating impact of mesothelioma on his grandmother and realizing the profound effect it has on families. Having spent years in corporate environments, he felt compelled to offer a superior standard of legal assistance, blending his legal acumen with a compassionate, service-oriented approach to better serve his clients.

Notable Settlements and Verdicts

Simmons Hanly Conroy has worked hard to secure payouts for their mesothelioma clients. In fact, the firm has secured some of the highest amounts of compensation in the history of asbestos litigation.

Some of Simmons Hanly Conroy’s notable settlement and verdict amounts include:

  • $250 million for a U.S. Steel worker
  • $40.1 million for a U.S. Navy veteran from Washington
  • $30 million for a construction supervisor in California
  • $10 million for a longshoreman from Louisiana
  • $4.7 million for a laborer from New York
  • $3.9 million for a U.S. Army veteran from Maryland

As you’re exploring your legal options, get armed with the information you need to make the right decision for your case. Download our Free Attorney Checklist to see the 10 questions you should ask when choosing an asbestos law firm for your case.

Mesothelioma Attorney Questions Checklist
Free Attorney Checklist

Download our free list of 10 questions to ask when choosing a mesothelioma attorney.

Get Your Free Checklist

Testimonials From Simmons Hanly Conroy Clients

Simmons Hanly Conroy has helped thousands of families regain a sense of security after a devastating mesothelioma diagnosis.

Below are just a few of these families’ stories, highlighting how Simmons Hanly Conroy treats their clients and what you may expect from working with them.

“John from Simmons Hanly Conroy made us feel at ease. He didn’t seem like a lawyer — or like what I would see on TV or something like that. He just seemed like he was interested and really cared.”

Arthur Putt, 6+ year mesothelioma survivor

“They could go back to day one and had the paperwork to back them up. I couldn’t stop thinking to myself, ‘Oh, wow! These boys know what they’re doing.’”

Walter Twidwell, U.S. Navy veteran with mesothelioma

6 Things to Look for in Top Asbestos Law Firms

Different law firms may have different strengths and areas of expertise. For example, even if you’ve worked with a family or estate lawyer in the past, you wouldn’t necessarily want to use them to pursue an asbestos case.

Below are some things to look for when evaluating your own list of top mesothelioma law firms.

1. Free Case Review & No Upfront Fees

Every attorney-client relationship should begin with a free case review. This initial meeting is your opportunity to learn more about the law firm and what it can offer you.

Reputable law firms will not charge anything upfront if you decide to work with them after this conversation. Mesothelioma law firms work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they secure compensation for their clients.

2. Dedicated Legal Teams

The best mesothelioma law firms have entire teams of medical and legal professionals who will be assigned to work on your case.

These legal teams may consist of:

A law firm is much like a football team with different positions. Mesothelioma law firms have professionals with various skills and specific knowledge that can help support your case.

The team will work together to gather information about your asbestos exposure, build a solid case, and keep on top of timelines to keep your case moving forward.

John Stahl Testimonial Video Thumbnail

Dee and John Stahl reached out to Simmons Hanly Conroy, a mesothelioma law firm, to pursue justice after John’s stage 4 mesothelioma diagnosis. View Transcript.

Duration: 4 min 40 sec

Dee Stahl:
The day started out fine. We got up and John, which is unusual for him, just came out of the bedroom
and just sat down and he said, “I just don’t feel good,” and I knew something was wrong because John
doesn’t complain. I said, “Well, I think we should probably go to the ER.”

They found out that there was over two liters of fluid on his left lung and they were amazed that he was
even able to breathe, period. They did a CAT scan then that’s when he just said, “You have stage four
mesothelioma, John.”

John Stahl:
I was kind of blank. I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t realize that my job had exposed me to this.

Dee Stahl:
We’re the Stahls. I’m Dee, and this is my husband, John.

John Stahl:
My name is John Stahl. I was first exposed to asbestos poisoning through the construction business,
through Sheetrock, through gaskets and piping all through my career, and I worked 43 years in construction business. If you don’t work, you don’t get paid. The first treatment was with chemotherapy and I went every two weeks. It didn’t take long, an hour or so, but it’d take me seven to 10 days to recover. That was hard for me because I’m a pretty active person.

Dee Stahl:
Asbestos is poison and it’s a prescription for death.

John Stahl:

Dee Stahl:
I don’t know …

John Stahl:
It’s not curable.

Dee Stahl:

John Stahl:
Well, at first it didn’t really sink in. The longer and longer I thought about it, it’s going to end my life
eventually, but I’m going to live it as well as I can.

Dee Stahl:
It made me mad and sad to think that these manufacturers could continue knowing that there was
asbestos that could hurt people, continued to make these products for how many years, years and years, and look what it’s done to the love of my life.

It’s heartbreaking. We filed a mesothelioma lawsuit because John deserves it. We found out about
Simmons Hanly Conroy when we received a letter introducing us to Todd, and within days, couple of
days, Todd called and we just clicked.

John Stahl:
Filing the lawsuit was easy because Todd made it easy. He explained what was going to happen. It was
pretty simple.

Dee Stahl:
It’s been fantastic. I can’t put into words because anytime Todd would call, it was, “How’s John doing?
How’s my buddy John doing and how are you doing?” He just made you comfortable. It was a great

John Stahl:
My kids are gonna be taken care of, Dee’s gonna be taken care of, so it’s a peace of mind knowing that I
don’t have to worry about them going down the road.

Dee Stahl:
I want people out there to realize that there is help and they can get assistance and get a settlement
from these manufacturers that continue to use this and know that it was dangerous for people.

John Stahl:
We filed a mesothelioma lawsuit to hold companies accountable. It’s important people understand that
there’s help and there’s people there willing to help them go through this process of making these
companies liable for what they’ve caused.

3. Medical Understanding of Mesothelioma

A top mesothelioma law firm will have access to the latest information from registered nurses, doctors, and other medical experts who work directly with patients.

Asbestos law firms have their own medical experts who understand:

  • Expected outcomes of a mesothelioma diagnosis
  • How mesothelioma develops after asbestos exposure
  • Stages of the disease and their effect on the body
  • Signs and symptoms of mesothelioma
  • The cost of various treatment options

These medical experts will be assigned to work on a mesothelioma patient’s case as part of their dedicated legal team.

4. Asbestos Industry Knowledge

When you work with a mesothelioma law firm, your legal team will gather supporting evidence for a claim — even if you don’t know exactly where or how you were exposed to asbestos.

Any prospective mesothelioma law firm should know:

  • How asbestos fibers enter the body
  • Which companies produced asbestos-containing products
  • When the products were used
  • What job sites carried a high risk of asbestos exposure
  • Which companies have established asbestos trust funds

The best mesothelioma law firms have databases of information on asbestos-containing products and the companies that made them.

Get a Free Mesothelioma Case Review
  • $1M to $1.4M average payout
  • No stress or upfront fees
  • Get money within 90 days

Get a Free Case Review

Shara Fisher
Shara Fisher Senior Paralegal
17+ years providing legal help to mesothelioma victims

5. Nationwide Network of Mesothelioma Lawyers

Mesothelioma law firms work with skilled lawyers in cities across the U.S. who know how to handle asbestos lawsuits to get the best results for their clients.

It’s important to find a national law firm focused on mesothelioma cases. General personal injury lawyers who work at local law firms may be unable to file a claim in the jurisdiction that offers the best chance of receiving maximum compensation for you and your family.

6. Success in Securing Compensation

Successful asbestos lawyers at mesothelioma law firms have a track record of helping families like yours get compensation from asbestos companies.

Mesothelioma compensation is typically secured by filing lawsuits against manufacturers that are still in business or by submitting asbestos trust fund claims with companies that declared bankruptcy to avoid being sued.

Nearly all mesothelioma lawsuits are resolved out of court, with an average settlement between $1 million and $1.4 million, according to Mealey’s® Litigation Report: Asbestos.

Any compensation recovered by your mesothelioma law firm can help pay for:

  • Counseling and support services
  • Funeral and burial costs
  • Living expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Medical bills
  • Physical therapy
  • Travel costs associated with treatment

Mesothelioma compensation can be used for anything once you receive it. You could start getting financial assistance within 90 days, depending on which manufacturers or asbestos trust funds are named in your legal claim.

Steps for Working With an Asbestos Law Firm

Each case is unique, but most mesothelioma lawsuits follow the same standard process. Working with a firm that’s experienced in handling asbestos cases helps ensure your claim is filed correctly.

Here are the steps for working with a mesothelioma law firm:

  1. Get a free case evaluation: During this step, you’ll get to know more about the firm, including their past experience with mesothelioma cases and how they support their clients. This is the time to ask questions and determine if you feel comfortable moving forward with the firm.
  2. Share records as your legal team gathers evidence: In this phase, the law firm will outline the facts and collect documentation that supports your claim. This might include medical records, work history, military service documents, and a list of asbestos-containing products you were exposed to along with their manufacturers.
  3. Have the firm file your mesothelioma lawsuit: Your mesothelioma law firm will submit a lawsuit on your behalf to demand compensation from asbestos product manufacturers. Your legal team will determine where to file your lawsuit since some jurisdictions may be more favorable than others when it comes to asbestos claims.
  4. Receive compensation: You’ll receive compensation outside of court for lawsuits that reach a settlement. If your lawsuit goes to court, a judge or jury may award you compensation through a trial verdict if they find the asbestos manufacturers at fault for your illness.

Remember, a reputable mesothelioma law firm will handle every step of the process at no out-of-pocket cost to you or your family.

Connect With a Top Mesothelioma Law Firm Today

If you or your loved one have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, it’s important to find a law firm you feel comfortable working with to help you pursue compensation.

Mesothelioma Hope’s team is here to walk you through this process from start to finish by:

  • Recommending a reputable law firm for your case
  • Helping you determine which questions to ask during the interview process
  • Exploring all potential sources of compensation for your family

Call (866) 608-8933 or fill out our contact form to connect with our knowledgeable team today. It’s always free to speak with us, and the details of your case will be kept confidential.

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Mesothelioma Law Firms FAQs

What is a mesothelioma law firm?

A mesothelioma law firm, also called an asbestos law firm, specializes in the nuances of asbestos exposure and the diseases it can cause.

Mesothelioma law firms can help determine which manufacturers were responsible for making certain asbestos-containing products, the options their client has to pursue compensation, and where to file legal claims to ensure the best possible outcome.

A general personal injury law firm may not have extensive knowledge and experience in asbestos exposure to build a successful case.

What are the top asbestos law firms?

Top asbestos law firms are those with extensive experience in asbestos litigation. These firms have decades of success winning cases for their clients and a nationwide network of attorneys, medical experts, and other staff across the United States.

Mesothelioma Hope is proud to work with Simmons Hanly Conroy, one of the best mesothelioma law firms in the country.

Simmons Hanly Conroy has recovered over $9 billion on behalf of mesothelioma patients and their families. Get a free legal consultation today to explore your options for compensation after a mesothelioma diagnosis.

How much does it cost to work with an asbestos law firm?

If you’re working with a reputable law firm, you should not have any upfront fees to get your case reviewed and filed.

Most asbestos firms work on a contingency-fee basis, meaning they’ll only receive payment for their services if they win your case.

How much compensation for mesothelioma lawsuits is standard?

On average, mesothelioma compensation secured from a lawsuit ranges between $1 million and $11.4 million, which includes settlements and verdicts.

The amount you may receive from a lawsuit will vary depending on whether your case results in a settlement or verdict and if you file asbestos trust fund claims.

A mesothelioma law firm can help guide you through the process to ensure you receive the most compensation possible.

Who can contact mesothelioma law firms?

Anyone who’s been diagnosed with mesothelioma or an asbestos-related illness (such as lung cancer or asbestosis) can reach out to a mesothelioma law firm for a free consultation.

Family members can also contact law firms on their loved one’s behalf, even if their loved one has passed away from the disease. These cases are known as wrongful death lawsuits.

There are laws that limit the amount of time you have to file, so it’s important to act quickly if you think you have a case. Contact us now to get started.

How do I find a mesothelioma law firm near me?

Mesothelioma Hope can help you find a mesothelioma law firm in your area and connect with top attorneys who  can travel to where you’re located to discuss the details of your case.

Call (866) 608-8933 to learn more about how we can make your search for the right mesothelioma law firm easy and stress-free.

Attorney Melissa Crowe SchopferReviewed by:Melissa Crowe Schopfer

Partner, Simmons Hanly Conroy

  • Fact-Checked
  • Legal Editor

Melissa Crowe Schopfer is a partner at Simmons Hanly Conroy. Over the past 10 years, Melissa has worked on over 500 cases and recovered more than $100 million in settlements and trial verdicts on behalf of her clients. She has represented families impacted by mesothelioma and asbestos-related diseases in almost every state.

  • Asbestos Trial Team Leader
  • Practicing Attorney for 15+ Years
  • Has Recovered Over $100 Million
Laura WrightWritten by:

Lead Editor

Laura Wright is a journalist and content strategist with more than 15 years of professional experience. She attended college at the University of Florida, graduating magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in journalism in 2008. Her writing has been featured in The Gainesville Sun and other regional publications throughout Florida.

Our Promise to You
Our Promise to You
  1. American Bar Association. (2013, March 18). “When You Need a Lawyer.” Retrieved May 8, 2024, from
  2. Borrelli, E., Babcock, Z., & Kogut, S. (2019, July 17). Costs of medical care for mesothelioma. Retrieved May 8, 2024, from
  3. Carroll, S., et al. (2005). Asbestos Litigation [PDF file]. Santa Monica, CA: Rand Institute for Civil Justice. Retrieved May 8, 2024, from
  4. Dixon, L., & McGovern, G. (2011, August 18). Bankruptcy trusts, asbestos compensation, and the courts. Retrieved May 8, 2024, from
  5. Lexis Legal News. (2022). “Asbestos Verdicts & Settlements: January 2021 – December 2021.” Retrieved May 8, 2024, from
  6. Mealey’s. (2021, July 30). Mealey’s litigation report: asbestos. Retrieved May 8, 2024, from
  7. Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation. (n.d.). Financial Assistance for Mesothelioma Patients. Retrieved May 8, 2024, from
  8. National Cancer Institute. (2021, November 29). Asbestos exposure and cancer risk. Retrieved May 8, 2024, from
  9. The National Law Review. (2022, August 6). “Law Firm Specialization: Why It Matters.” Retrieved May 8, 2024, from
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How We Can Help

Mesothelioma Hope is passionate about helping patients and families affected by this aggressive cancer. A mesothelioma diagnosis can be scary and isolating, but we’re here for you at every step. Hope is only a phone call away.

(866) 608-8933
Medical Guidance
  • Get a second opinion
  • Find a doctor or cancer center
  • Access clinical trials
  • Improve your quality of life
Financial Assistance
  • Access $30 billion in trust funds
  • File a mesothelioma claim
  • Increase your VA benefits
  • Apply for travel grants
Supportive Care
  • Find a support group or peer mentor
  • Get help with daily tasks
  • Explore respite care options
  • Navigate life post-treatment