Working With a West Virginia Mesothelioma Lawyer
Any West Virginia resident who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma may be able to access compensation from the manufacturers of asbestos-based products. These manufacturers knew asbestos could cause deadly illnesses but hid the facts for decades in order to keep making money.
People exposed to asbestos could develop mesothelioma between 10 and 50 years or more after their initial exposure.
Over 500 West Virginia citizens died from mesothelioma between 1999 and 2017, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG).
Thankfully, West Virginia mesothelioma lawyers can help victims get money and justice by filing lawsuits against manufacturers of asbestos-laced products.
West Virginia Mesothelioma Lawsuits
A West Virginia mesothelioma lawsuit allows families to take action following a medical diagnosis. A mesothelioma lawsuit seeks financial payouts from the manufacturers of asbestos-containing products.
Mesothelioma lawsuits award between $1 million and $11.4 million on average.
Mesothelioma lawyers in West Virginia handle most of the legal work that a lawsuit brings — with no burden to you or your loved ones. Most lawsuit payments are processed within 90 days.
Mesothelioma Verdicts and Settlements in West Virginia
Mesothelioma lawsuits reach out-of-court settlements in more than 95% of cases. Mesothelioma settlements award victims with money in less time than a trial verdict.
Mesothelioma settlements award $1 million on average.
When settlements do not occur, the lawsuit may go to trial. In some cases, victims may receive more money through a mesothelioma trial verdict than a settlement.
One of the world’s largest chemical companies paid a $6.4 million verdict to the family of a West Virginia man who died from mesothelioma. As a child, the victim had been exposed to asbestos fibers in his father’s work clothes.
Several companies in Charleston paid millions to settle claims made by thousands of plaintiffs who said they developed asbestos-related illnesses while working in various company plants. Victims can learn more about lawsuits, settlements, and trial verdicts by contacting a West Virginia mesothelioma lawyer.
West Virginia Mesothelioma Settlements Recovered by Simmons Hanly Conroy
- $3.9 millionAuto Mechanic
- $3.4 millionNavy Veteran
- $2.73 millionAir Force Veteran
- $1.6 millionElectrician
All Simmons Hanly Conroy settlement amounts have been fact-checked and verified by our editorial team.
Statute of Limitations in West Virginia
The amount of time to file a lawsuit is limited through laws called statutes of limitations.
Statutes of limitations vary greatly depending on the state and other factors. These issues make it very hard for victims to file lawsuits within the statutes without help from a lawyer. Lawsuits cannot be filed once the statute of limitations has passed.
In West Virginia, the mesothelioma statute of limitations is generally 2 years from the date of a patient’s diagnosis or death.
A West Virginia mesothelioma attorney can help victims file within the statutes of limitations. Learn more by contacting a West Virginia asbestos attorney right away.
West Virginia Asbestos Trust Funds and Statutes of Limitations
Even if a mesothelioma lawsuit cannot be filed due to an expired statute of limitations, compensation may still be available through an asbestos trust fund.
Asbestos trust funds were established by bankrupt manufacturers of asbestos-based products. The courts forced these manufacturers to set aside money for mesothelioma victims if they wanted to stay in business.
Today, more than $30 billion is available in asbestos trust funds.
A West Virginia mesothelioma attorney can help file an asbestos trust fund claim and access compensation.
Asbestos Sites in West Virginia
Many West Virginia jobs and work sites relied on asbestos for decades. West Virginia residents who worked with or around asbestos could develop mesothelioma.
West Virginia is located in the Appalachian region, where there were nearly 30,000 coal-mining jobs in 2018. Mining was one of the many ways West Virginians were exposed to asbestos.
Other high-risk jobs for asbestos exposure in West Virginia include:
- Carpentry
- Construction
- Manufacturing steel
- Oil refinement
- Power plant work
- Vehicle manufacturing and repair
A skilled West Virginia mesothelioma attorney will maintain databases of sites linked to asbestos exposure in the state and across the country.
Asbestos sites in West Virginia include:
- Ace Industries, Huntington
- Allied Chemical Corporation, Moundsville
- Carbide Carbon Chemical Company, multiple locations across the state
- Charleston General Hospital, Charleston
- Clarksburg Baptist Church, Clarksburg
- Federal Building, Parkersburg
- Federal Coal and Coke Company, Grant Town
- Huntington Coal and Mining Company, Thurmond
- Parkersburg High School, Parkersburg
- Post Office Federal Office Building, Morgantown
- University of West Virginia Medical Center, Morgantown
- Virginia Electric Power Company, Mount Storm
- West Elementary School Teamsters Building, Charleston
- Westvaco Food Machinery Company, Charleston
Asbestos exposure took place at many other locations not listed above. Contact a West Virginia mesothelioma lawyer to see if a site you worked at used asbestos. You may be entitled to financial benefits for treatment expenses and other costs.
A lawsuit filed against Fairmont State University in October 2024 alleges that the school’s refusal to perform asbestos abatement for decades caused a student to develop lung cancer.
Asbestos Rules and Regulations in West Virginia
West Virginia follows the National Emissions Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) to protect its citizens from asbestos.
The state also follows the federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), which requires schools to monitor asbestos-containing materials and forces workplaces to follow strict asbestos exposure standards.
Local and federal agencies regarding asbestos use in West Virginia include:
- Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Division of Air Quality
- Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) Bureau of Public Health Office of Environmental Health Service Radiation, Toxic, and Indoor Air Quality Division
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Region 3
- West Virginia Division of Labor (DOL)
Victims can learn how these laws may affect their case by working with a West Virginia mesothelioma lawyer.
West Virginia VA Information for Mesothelioma Veterans
Veterans run a high risk of mesothelioma since the military relied on asbestos-containing products for decades. West Virginia is home to many military bases and former shipyards where asbestos could have been used.
The military also used asbestos in:
- Aircraft
- Building materials
- Ships
- Vehicles
West Virginia veterans with mesothelioma may work with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to access benefits after connecting with an asbestos attorney. The VA is well-equipped to help veterans with mesothelioma.
VA benefits include:
- Aid & Attendance benefits
- Burial and funeral honors
- Disability compensation
- Pensions for victims and spouses
Veterans can learn more about their health care options by contacting regional VA offices. Explore these offices in the list below.
Veterans Benefits Administration
- Huntington Regional Office, Huntington
VA Medical Centers
- Beckley VA Medical Center
- Clarksburg – Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center
- Hershel “Woody” Williams VA Medical Center (Huntington)
- Martinsburg VA Medical Center
Community-Based Outpatient Clinics
- Baton Rouge VA Clinic
- Braxton County VA Clinic
- Charleston VA Clinic
- Clarksburg Rural Mobile Unit
- Franklin VA Clinic
- Greenbrier County VA Clinic
- Monongalia County VA Clinic
- Petersburg VA Clinic
- Princeton VA Clinic
- Tucker County VA Clinic
- Wood County VA Clinic
Veterans Centers
- Beckley Veterans Center
- Charleston Veterans Center
- Huntington Veterans Center
- Logan Veterans Center Outstation
- Martinsburg Veterans Center
- Parkersburg Veterans Center Outstation
- Princeton Veterans Center
- Wheeling Veterans Center
Veterans can find telephone numbers for each office through the official VA website (
Veterans interested in VA benefits can start the process by talking to a West Virginia mesothelioma law firm.
Attorneys at these law firms can help veterans gather the information needed to file a VA claim, such as how, when, and where asbestos exposure occurred.
Veterans organizations such as Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and the American Legion (AML) can help file VA claims.
AML and VFW Service Officers in West Virginia
Veterans Service Officers (VSOs) with organizations like the AML and the VFW are trained by the VA and other organizations to help veterans and families receive VA benefits.
Local VSOs can be found in offices specific to:
- County courthouses
- Local VA offices
- Organization headquarters
West Virginia is home to more than 300 VA-related offices, including:
- American Legion
- American Red Cross
- Disabled American Veterans
- Fleet Reserve Association
- Marine Corps League
- Veterans of Foreign Wars
Veterans diagnosed with mesothelioma can learn more about VA benefits and other compensation options by contacting a West Virginia asbestos attorney.
Working With a West Virginia Mesothelioma Lawyer
After a mesothelioma diagnosis, it’s crucial to seek legal help. Work with a West Virginia asbestos lawyer to get the compensation you may deserve.
A West Virginia mesothelioma lawyer can help you:
- Determine where and when you may have been exposed to asbestos
- Gather the needed information to file a mesothelioma lawsuit
- File the lawsuit within West Virginia’s statute of limitations
Contact our team to learn more about working with a West Virginia mesothelioma lawyer.
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